
Central Board of Revenue
Azad Jammu and Kashmir

File Sales Tax Return

Every person registered under the Sales Tax Act,1990, or the Federal Excise Act, 2005, is required to file a Sales Tax Return.

A Sales Tax return is the taxpayer’s document of declaration through which taxpayer not only furnishes the details of transactions during a tax period but also deposits his Sales Tax liability.

On the return form, the taxpayer declares for a particular tax period and respective input tax and output tax, at prescribed rate of Sale Tax. In case input tax exceeds output tax, the amount of refund claimed or excess input tax is also declared in the return.

A registered person shall file a single return for all the possible sectors that the registered person is operating in. Due date for the single return for the sectors would be the due date applicable to his major activity in terms of sales tax or federal excise duty payable.

Where a Sales Tax Return is not filed within a period of six months after the due date, the same shall be filed only after approval of the Commissioner Inland Revenue having the appropriate jurisdiction.

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